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Visit Johnstown PA Partner Johnstown Flood National Memorial

Johnstown Flood National Memorial


Johnstown Flood National Memorial

733 Lake Road
South Fork, PA 15956

See the remains of the South Fork Dam!

This National Park Service Site is located at the ruins of the South Fork Dam that burst May 31, 1889. The dam unleashed 20,000,000 tons of water that devastated Johnstown.

A visit to the Johnstown Flood National Memorial puts into perspective the scope and size of the disaster. The Lake View Visitor Center has two floors of exhibits and a life-size “debris wall” that dramatically illustrates the flood wave that devastated Johnstown. The film Black Friday chillingly recreates that day in 1889. Visitors can also explore trails around the dam’s remains and picnic areas.

There is no entrance fee.

Johnstown Flood National Memorial
733 Lake Road
South Fork, PA 15956
United States
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