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Stonycreek Rendezvous Starts in:

52 DAYS :

About Visit Johnstown

Visit Johnstown is the designated tourist promotion agency for Cambria County. Formed in 1964 as the Cambria County Tourist Council, Inc., our mission is to promote travel to Cambria County; to serve as a leading advocate for programs and projects that will enhance Cambria County’s tourism industry; and to promote greater recognition of travel and tourism as a leading contributor to Cambria County’s economy and its quality of life.

Visit Johnstown is a 501(c)4 non-profit corporation that is governed by a board of directors representing tourism industry partners and area businesses who have a vested interest in furthering tourism development and promotion in Cambria County.

Visit Johnstown’s full-time staff advances the organization’s mission by employing a variety of destination marketing tactics including advertising, print publications, fulfillment of requests for travel information, website, social media marketing, sports marketing, public relations, group travel marketing, tradeshows, branding, and visitor services. It also engages in regional and statewide collaborative marketing programs. Visit Johnstown is active in statewide advocacy efforts for issues and legislation that affects the tourism and hospitality industry.

Visit Johnstown’s administrative office and welcome center is located at 416 Main Street, Suite 100, in downtown Johnstown.

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