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Stonycreek Rendezvous Starts in:

61 DAYS :
18 HOURS :
All Day

Aerium Summit

Johnstown Airport 479 Airport Road, Johnstown

The Aerium Summit attracts over 350 attendees from various sectors crucial to aviation, aerospace, and education. This event brings industry leaders, stakeholders, experts, and students together to share ideas, explore…

$150 – $300

Float & Flix @ The YMCA Aqua Theater

Greater Johnstown Community YMCA 100 Haynes Street, Johnstown

Bring your swimsuit, towel, and your favorite pool noodle or puddle jumper and sit back and relax while watching a movie! Children ages 13 and under MUST be accompanied by…


Evening on the Lake: Objects from the Johnstown Flood

Johnstown Flood National Memorial 733 Lake Road, South Fork

Guest speaker Tyler Garhart will be guiding participants throughout the Visitor Center to view a variety of objects on display from the flood. This program provides a rare opportunity to…

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