March 29 - March 30 Deep South Spirit The Glow Tour 1ST SUMMIT ARENA @ Cambria County War Memorial 326 Napoleon Street, Johnstown Cheerleading Competition $25 – $50
March 30 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Event Series Children’s Book Festival Children’s Book Festival Bottle Works 411 3rd Avenue, Johnstown The Children’s Book Festival provides children in grades PreK – 6 and their families with a FREE, interactive and engaging literary experience that inspires in children a love for books… Free
March 30 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Event Series Spring Craft & Vendor Show Spring Craft & Vendor Show Johnstown Masonic Event & Conference Center 130 Valley Pike, Johnstwon Come on out and do some Easter/Spring shopping. Something for everyone!! Free