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Stonycreek Rendezvous Starts in:

62 DAYS :
15 HOURS :
Visit Johnstown PA Partner Harrigan's Cafe and Wine Deck

Harrigan’s Cafe & Wine Deck


Harrigan’s Cafe & Wine Deck

250 Market Street
Johnstown, PA 15901

Harrigan’s Cafe & Wine Deck is a Mediterranean style restaurant located in downtown Johnstown that has been operating for over 30 years.

Harrigan’s specializes in foods from Italy, France, Spain and other parts of the Mediterranean basin. The Mediterranean style of cooking uses healthy ingredients like garlic, tomatoes and fresh herbs.

Harrigan’s also an extensive wine list that includes over 187 selections.

Harrigan’s Cafe & Wine Deck
250 Market Street
Johnstown, PA 15901
United States
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