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Visit Johnstown PA Partner Twin Towers Structural Beam

Twin Towers Structural Beam


Twin Towers Structural Beam

411 Power Street
Johnstown, PA 15906

Twin Towers Structural Beam, located at the St. Mary’s Byzantine Catholic Church Pavilion, is a structural beam from one of New York’s Twin Towers from the September 11th tragedy. “Johnstown is one of only five cities in the U.S. that has an actual part of The Towers,” said Monsignor Balta, pastor of the church.

“I had heard that pieces [of the Towers] were being sold for scrap and thought it was a tragedy. I phoned Manhattan and had a truck pick up the remnant just before the embargo went into effect that afternoon.” The structure, located beside St. Mary’s pavilion along with a flagpole, serves as a permanent memorial for the victims and heroes of 9-11.

Open dawn to dusk.

St. Mary’s Byzantine Catholic Church
Pavilion 411
Power Street and Fifth Avenue
Johnstown (Cambria City), PA 15906

Twin Towers Structural Beam
411 Power Street
Johnstown, PA 15906
United States
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