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The Sweet Spot – Smash Hit Smash Burgers

Indulge in a new favorite at The Sweet Spot. This restaurant recently moved downtown and is serving up delicious smash burgers, with some unique toppings and twists. If you’re not familiar with the idea, a smash burger is quite literally “smashed” onto the griddle which makes for a delicious burger. Their menu isn’t just your average everyday burgers though. Ever wanted to try a donut on your burger? Try their “Insanity Burger” which has two burger patties and two donuts on a bun. Looking for a taste of Johnstown’s ethnic heritage? Then “The Polish” burger may be just what you need to satisfy your cravings, this burger features grilled onions, a burger patty, and a Mrs. T’s Pierogie. We highly recommend adding some of their signature “Smash Sauce” to any of their menu items!

But it doesn’t just end with burgers, they also offer a variety of breakfast sandwiches with their same signature twist, specialty beverages like bubble tea and flavored sodas, and of course, locally made gobs.

The Sweet Spot is located at 145 Franklin St. in downtown Johnstown. Visit them during your next trip to the area, and treat yourself to some comfort food! More details and their full menu can be found on their Facebook page here!

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